Saturday, July 26, 2008

Hulk cover Paintover WIP

This is a small section of a work in progress digital painting I just started. It started out as just another practice/portfolio piece when I found this kickass line art from Olivier Coipel and Mark Morales online, but as soon as I started it I thought it would be a nice challenge to turn it into a painting with my own feel to it. I guess I was inspired by the recent Marko Djurdjevic paintover of one of Coipel's Thor covers.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Nuclear Family NSFW

Took my pencil sketch into Painter X to do digital inks. The first time I've really tried to ink a piece digitally, not too bad, kinda liked it. I then brought the inked version into Photoshop 7 to apply the grayscale colors. Text done in Illustrator. I'm really happy with this piece, though I'm probably not quite finished with it. I'll probably do a proper background for the version that will appear in the comic book. I did kind of incorporate the more gruesome idea I first had, though it's not nearly as graphic as I had originally intended.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Hank Houston

Had some spare time tonight so I did this piece for the guys over at . Big congrats to them for making the top 50 in this year's Platinum Studios' Comic Book Challenge! Did a grayscale version but not sure I like it so I'm including both.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Nuclear Family

A sketch for a pin-up I was asked to do for a Horror anthology comic. Still need to add a background then I'll be inking and painting it in grayscale. I had a much more gruesome idea in mind for the baby and mom, but my wife forbid me from drawing it. Probably for the best.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Luke Cage

Today's daily sketch. Luke Cage from Marvel Comics. Not really a fan of the character the way he's written in the Avengers titles recently, but he's partners with my boy Iron Fist where he's portrayed as a more interesting character. Sketched in Painter X, colored in PS7.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Punisher

Trying something completely different here just for the hell of it. I actually like how it came out. I may do more in this style. Basically just roughly blocked out the figure in PS, tightened up the sketch a little bit, then used the lasso and paint bucket tool to fill it in, using the linework as a guide.